New Year, New You

New Year, New You

It's time to close out 2022 with a clear vision of the intentions and goals you want to set for 2023 and we are here to give you some simple ways you can kick off the new year with a positive mindset. Lets Go! 

1. Change Your Morning Routine

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Usually for us, we open our phone to a notification from Instagram and find ourselves scrolling through a feed for a few minutes. Remember, energy flows where focus goes so spend the first 10 minutes of your day off your phone and deciding where you want to focus your energy. It could be towards a better job, health, relationship or even home. the sky is the limit if you are willing to focus on what you want and take action toward it.

2. Move Your Body

Forget the hassle of signing up for a gym membership just literally open your front door and start walking! MOVE your body every morning for a hit of feel-good endorphins 

3. Manifest

This one is for our spiritual gals. Here is a reminder that we can’t create what we want if we don’t know what we want. Write a list of 10 goals to manifest and put it in a place you look at regularly, like on the fridge or wardrobe, so you can keep your goals in sight.

4. Create Boundaries

Protect your energy this year by creating boundaries. Write a list of things you will not tolerate being crossed and stick them on your mirror. 

6. Simplify Your Life

Leave all the complication and clutter in 2022 and start downsizing and simplifying in 2023. By minimizing small decisions, we save our brainpower for the big ones. Start off by spring cleaning and rid of some things in your wardrobe. This will then lead to another task then another. Think about what clutter you can get rid of this year.

7. Prioritize Your Sleep

Sleep is the best medicine for our physical, mental and future health. start the habit of jumping into bed a little earlier - maybe with a book or a journal, but NEVER with your phone. 

8. Self Gratitude

You are beautifully unique and on an amazing journey which is only getting better and better. Don't forget along the way to stop, and appreciate yourself.